Kesha Boldly Changes Lyrics at Coachella to Criticize Diddy

Kesha Boldly Changes Lyrics at Coachella to Criticize Diddy Amid Legal Controversies

Kesha Boldly Changes Lyrics at Coachella to Criticize Diddy Amid Legal Controversies

Kesha made a bold statement against Diddy during her appearance at Coachella, amending the lyrics of her hit song ‘Tik Tok’ in a dramatic fashion. 

Kesha Boldly Changes Lyrics at Coachella to Criticize Diddy Amid Legal Controversies

Performing as a special guest of Renee Rapp, Kesha altered the iconic opening line from “Wake up in the morning, feeling like P. Diddy” to “Wake up in the morning like f*** P. Diddy,” with Renee joining in. The duo emphasized their message by gesturing with middle fingers.

This modification of her lyrics isn’t new for Kesha; she previously altered the same line in response to legal actions against Diddy by Cassie last year. Kesha, a vocal advocate for victims of sexual violence and herself a self-proclaimed survivor, took this opportunity at Coachella—her first to perform the song on such a large stage—to express her disapproval of Diddy, who is currently embroiled in a federal investigation.

While many in Hollywood have remained quiet on the issue involving Diddy, Kesha has not shied away from expressing her stance clearly and publicly.

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Pooja Chauhan: Your Source for Entertainment and Box Office News Pooja Chauhan is a passionate writer and dedicated journalist specializing in delivering the latest updates and insights from the world of entertainment and box office. With a keen eye for detail and a deep love for cinema, Pooja brings her readers accurate and engaging coverage of all things related to movies, celebrities, and the dynamic world of showbiz. Her commitment to keeping her audience well-informed and entertained makes her a valuable voice in the realm of entertainment journalism. When she's not busy uncovering the latest scoops, Pooja enjoys exploring classic films and indulging in creative writing." Contact us:

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