Nandha Gopalan Kumaran (NGK), a charismatic young man, embarks on a political journey that brings about an unprecedented social-political revolution. Directed by ace filmmaker K. Selvaraghavan,
NGK stars Suriya Sivakumar in the titular role.
NGK collected 10.70cr. On Day 3 Sunday, The major concern for the movie is it didnt grown on Saturday and sunday actually dropped on Day 3.
NGK needs to hold strong on Monday Tuesday and then it will enjoy Eid holiday.
Box Office Collection Breakup
Day 1 Tamil 12.20cr. Telugu 2.20cr. = 14.40cr.
Day 2 Tamil 10.10cr. Telugu 1.80cr. = 11.90cr.
Day 3 Tamil 9cr. Telugu 1.70cr. = 10.70cr.
Total India Nett 37cr.
Total India Gross 43.60cr.
Overseas Gross 5cr.
Worldwide Gross 48.60cr.