U.S. Court Orders Forfeiture of 279 Cryptocurrency Accounts Linked to North Korean Hacks

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The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has directed the forfeiture of 279 cryptocurrency accounts holding funds associated with purported hacks of crypto exchanges by North Korean agents. 

This action is part of a larger U.S. campaign to disrupt cyber activities that support North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. 

The court’s ruling stemmed from a lawsuit launched by the U.S. government in 2020. It is alleged that these accounts were used to conduct complex money laundering schemes using digital assets stolen from various cryptocurrency exchanges and unregistered wallets.

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Sachin Chouhan is an avid entertainment enthusiast and dedicated follower of celebrity and entertainment news. He has always had a passion for the latest happenings in the world of entertainment and has made it his mission to stay up-to-date on all the latest trends, news, and gossip. With years of experience following the entertainment industry, Sachin has developed a keen eye for the latest celebrity fashion trends, music releases, movie reviews, and red-carpet events. His in-depth knowledge and expertise have made him a trusted source for entertainment news and celebrity updates. Contact us: admin@bollywoodfever.co.in

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