Maisie Williams Shares Journey of Shedding 25 Pounds for Catherine Dior Biopic Role

Maisie Williams Shares Journey of Shedding 25 Pounds for Catherine Dior Biopic Role


Maisie Williams Shares Journey of Shedding 25 Pounds for Catherine Dior Biopic Role

Maisie Williams underwent significant physical transformations for her upcoming role.

In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar UK, the former Game of Thrones star disclosed that she shed approximately 25 pounds to portray World War II French Resistance fighter Catherine Dior in a biopic series titled “The New Look.”

Williams explained that she had to slim down and part ways with her long, brown hair to embody the iconic Catherine, opting for a shaved head and a leaner physique for the character.

Maisie Williams Shares Journey of Shedding 25 Pounds for Catherine Dior Biopic Role

“I was eating very little, meditating constantly, and creating a serene atmosphere in my apartment with candles and incense,” she shared about her intense preparation for the role.

Under the guidance of medical professionals, Williams closely monitored her health throughout the weight loss journey, undergoing regular blood tests and heart rate checks.

Her regimen included intense workouts, with early morning sweat sessions starting as early as 4:00 a.m. to aid in shedding pounds.

Regarding her diet, Williams consumed mainly dehydrated foods and followed a specific eating schedule. She detailed, “The night before, around 7:00 or 8:00 p.m., I would have something salty and dehydrating, like smoked salmon and a small glass of wine.”

The transformation not only affected her physical appearance but also disrupted her sleep patterns, leading to restless nights and vivid dreams.

In contrast to her previous role as the sword-wielding Arya Stark, Williams emphasized that portraying Catherine required a focus on different muscles and a complete shift in lifestyle.

Despite the challenges, Williams found the experience rewarding, describing it as an opportunity to explore the complexities of human resilience and hope amidst adversity.

The New Look” premieres on February 14 on Apple TV+, offering viewers a glimpse into Catherine Dior’s remarkable story.

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