Shocking Assassination: Mexican Mayoral Candidate Gunned Down on Camera

Shocking Assassination: Mexican Mayoral Candidate Gunned Down on Camera

A mayoral candidate in Mexico was assassinated at point-blank range, and the horrifying act was captured on camera, with the killer also being shot down.

Be warned, this video is extremely graphic. Alfredo Cabrera is seen smiling and greeting supporters during his final campaign rally stop in Coyuca de Benitez, Guerrero, on Wednesday, just moments before he’s brutally shot on film.

The perpetrator isn’t fully visible in the clip, but you can see a gun in their hand, pointed at the back of Cabrera’s head just as he’s about to address 300 supporters, and then they fire.

Shocking Assassination: Mexican Mayoral Candidate Gunned Down on Camera

The video becomes fuzzy, but the sound of several more gunshots can be heard in succession, along with the panicked screams of terrified supporters.

Graphic Content

Another distressing video captured later shows Cabrera’s lifeless body lying on the ground at the abandoned campaign rally event, along with the body of the purported gunman.

The current Governor of Guerrero, Evelyn Salgado, condemned the crime as cowardly in a statement, saying she’s urged the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Guerrero to conduct a thorough investigation and ensure the full weight of the law is applied to the gunman and all those responsible for the crime.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the alleged attacker was killed at the scene.

Cabrera’s slaying adds to the grim tally of murdered candidates, mostly vying for mayor or town councils, during Mexico’s 2024 election cycle, now reaching 36, making it the bloodiest election in the country’s history.

Just a day earlier, a mayoral candidate in the central state of Morelos met a tragic end, while another contender was shot and left seriously injured in western Jalisco state.

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Pooja Chauhan

Pooja Chauhan: Your Source for Entertainment and Box Office News Pooja Chauhan is a passionate writer and dedicated journalist specializing in delivering the latest updates and insights from the world of entertainment and box office. With a keen eye for detail and a deep love for cinema, Pooja brings her readers accurate and engaging coverage of all things related to movies, celebrities, and the dynamic world of showbiz. Her commitment to keeping her audience well-informed and entertained makes her a valuable voice in the realm of entertainment journalism. When she's not busy uncovering the latest scoops, Pooja enjoys exploring classic films and indulging in creative writing." Contact us:

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