Shamima Begum’s Appeal Denied: British Citizenship Removal Stands

Shamima Begum's Appeal Denied: British Citizenship Removal Stands

Shamima Begum’s Appeal Denied: British Citizenship Removal Stands

UK, BollywoodFever, February 23: Shamima Begum, who infamously left Britain as a schoolgirl to join the Islamic State, has faced another setback in her legal battle. 

The Court of Appeal ruled against her appeal to overturn the decision to strip her of her British citizenship.

Begum’s journey to Syria in 2015, at the age of 15, led to her citizenship being revoked on national security grounds shortly after she was discovered in a Syrian refugee camp in February 2019.

Shamima Begum's Appeal Denied: British Citizenship Removal Stands

Despite previous legal challenges, including an unsuccessful appeal at the Special Immigration Appeals Commission last year, Begum’s legal team persisted in their efforts to reverse the decision. However, the Court of Appeal unanimously dismissed her appeal.

Dame Sue Carr, the head of the Court of Appeal, emphasized that while some may view the decision as harsh, the court’s role is solely to determine whether the deprivation of citizenship was lawful. In this case, they concluded it was not unlawful.

Begum’s legal team presented five grounds for appeal, arguing that the initial decision to strip her citizenship was flawed. However, the judges ruled against her on each point, including rejecting claims related to national security and her potential statelessness.

Despite this latest setback, Begum’s solicitor, Daniel Furner, affirmed their commitment to continue fighting for her rights. He reiterated their determination to pursue justice and ensure her safe return home.

Meanwhile, the Home Office expressed satisfaction with the court’s decision, emphasizing their primary focus on safeguarding the UK’s safety and security.

However, critics, including Maya Foa of Reprieve, an NGO representing British women detained in northeast Syria, condemned the government’s handling of Begum’s case. 

Foa argued that the policy of stripping citizenship is detrimental and urged officials to address the UK’s responsibilities, particularly regarding victims of trafficking like Begum.

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