ZKsync Introduces Elastic Chain Architecture with v24 Upgrade, Enhancing Multi-Chain Interoperability

ZKsync Introduces Elastic Chain Architecture with v24 Upgrade, Enhancing Multi-Chain Interoperability

Layer 2 developer ZKsync shifts to an “elastic chain” architecture with its v24 upgrade, promising seamless interoperability and a unified user experience across multiple ZK chains.

Bollywood Fever: ZKsync, a prominent Layer 2 developer, has unveiled a groundbreaking shift in its ecosystem design, moving towards an “elastic chain” architecture with its recent v24 upgrade. This upgrade, which went live on June 7, 2024, transitions ZKsync from a single zero-knowledge (ZK) rollup chain to a network of multiple ZK chains, featuring native interoperability and a unified user experience. This significant change is a key part of the ZKsync 3.0 roadmap.

The architectural overhaul involves reconfiguring ZKsync’s native bridge into a token vault. This new configuration aims to enhance connectivity among the expanding array of ZK chains within its ecosystem, fostering a more integrated and cohesive network.

This development follows the project’s airdrop of 3.675 billion ZK tokens to early users of the Ethereum Layer 2 network. This airdrop represents 17.5% of the total ZK token supply, which stands at 21 billion tokens.

ZKsync Introduces Elastic Chain Architecture with v24 Upgrade, Enhancing Multi-Chain Interoperability

Unifying a Multi-Chain Ecosystem

According to ZKsync developers, the elastic chain architecture envisions a seamless operation that mimics a single blockchain. In this design, transactions require only a single wallet confirmation, eliminating the need for network switching or manual asset bridging. The network’s flagship rollup, ZKsync Era, will serve as the foundational layer of this elastic chain ecosystem.

By the end of 2024, the network aims to encompass over 20 chains operational on the mainnet, developed with the ZK Stack software kit. Notable projects like Lens Protocol, QuarkID, PlayFi, GRVT, Cronos zkEVM, and Nodle are among those included in this ambitious expansion.

The concept of an elastic blockchain was first introduced by ZKsync developers at the 2022 SmartCon event. It revolves around enhancing proof aggregation and cross-chain interoperability through the ZK Stack.

For users, the elastic chain aims to present a coherent multi-chain environment that operates intuitively as one entity. Interactions with any smart contract across the network will be streamlined through the Ethereum Multi-Chain Address (EMCA) standard. This standard is designed to simplify address identification across various chains by abstracting specific chain details from users.

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Nicholas Edwards

Nicholas Edwards is a passionate writer with a keen interest in sports and business news. With a knack for delivering insightful and engaging content, Nicholas keeps his finger on the pulse of the latest developments in these dynamic fields. His enthusiasm for both sports and business shines through in his writing, making complex topics accessible to a wide audience. Whether it's dissecting the latest game-changing play or analyzing market trends, Nicholas brings a fresh perspective and a wealth of knowledge to his articles. Email @ admin@bollywoodfever.co.in

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