Ally Brooke Gets Engaged to Will Bracey
Ally Brooke is now officially engaged! The 30-year-old singer took to Instagram on Tuesday to share the exciting news of her engagement to her longtime partner, Will Bracey.

The former Fifth Harmony member posted pictures capturing Bracey’s proposal, including a shot of him on one knee and another of the couple sharing a kiss. Additional photos showcase Brooke’s engagement ring, with the pair holding hands and sharing more tender moments.
In her Instagram caption, Brooke expressed the joy of their love story, exclaiming, “WE HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY EVER TOLD!!!!!!” She eagerly anticipates marrying Will Bracey, concluding with, “I CANNOT WAIT TO MARRY YOU @will.bracey.”
Bracey, a music industry executive, mirrored the sentiment on his Instagram, sharing similar images and expressing gratitude to Ally Brooke for saying yes. He looks forward to an enduring connection, stating, “it will be my honor to be with you forever. @allybrooke our love story shall continue! Thank you Jesus and our Father for covering us and bringing us into new blessings.”
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