Germany’s Economy Minister Invites Dialogue on EU Tariffs During China Visit

Germany's Economy Minister Invites Dialogue on EU Tariffs During China Visit

Germany’s Economy Minister Robert Habeck opens the door for discussions on EU tariffs on Chinese exports during his visit to China. Learn more about the ongoing negotiations and their implications.

Shanghai, Bollywood Fever: Germany‘s Economy Minister Robert Habeck announced during his visit to China on Saturday that the European Union is open for discussions concerning EU tariffs on Chinese exports.

“What I suggested to my Chinese partners today is that the doors are open for discussions, and I hope that this message was heard,” said Habeck in his initial statement from Shanghai after meeting with Chinese officials in Beijing earlier in the day.

Habeck’s visit marks the first by a senior European official since Brussels proposed substantial duties on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) to address what the EU considers excessive subsidies.

In Shanghai, Habeck emphasized that there is a window for dialogue between the EU and China on tariff issues until November. He expressed his belief in open markets but stressed the need for a level playing field.

The EU’s provisional duties are scheduled to take effect by July 4, with the investigation continuing until November 2. After that, definitive duties, typically lasting five years, could be imposed.

“This opens a phase where negotiations are possible, discussions are important, and dialogue is needed,” Habeck stated.

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Nicholas Edwards

Nicholas Edwards is a passionate writer with a keen interest in sports and business news. With a knack for delivering insightful and engaging content, Nicholas keeps his finger on the pulse of the latest developments in these dynamic fields. His enthusiasm for both sports and business shines through in his writing, making complex topics accessible to a wide audience. Whether it's dissecting the latest game-changing play or analyzing market trends, Nicholas brings a fresh perspective and a wealth of knowledge to his articles. Email @

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