Tragic Accident Leaves Rodeo Star Spencer Wright’s Son Brain Dead

Tragic Accident Leaves Rodeo Star Spencer Wright's Son Brain Dead

Tragic Accident Leaves Rodeo Star Spencer Wright’s Son Brain Dead: Family Holds Out Hope for a Miracle

The son of rodeo star Spencer Wright has been tragically diagnosed as brain dead following an accident involving a toy tractor in Utah earlier this week.

According to the Beaver County Sheriff’s Office, the incident occurred around 6 PM on Tuesday when 3-year-old Levi Wright drove his toy tractor into a nearby river. Multiple agencies were dispatched to the scene, and the child was swiftly pulled from the water. Life-saving measures were administered on-site before he was airlifted to a nearby hospital.

Tragic Accident Leaves Rodeo Star Spencer Wright's Son Brain Dead

Tragically, despite the best efforts of first responders, Levi’s parents, Kallie and Spencer, were informed that their son is brain dead. “Levi’s heart is beating on its own,” they wrote in a post on Facebook. “He has a will to breathe, but his sweet little brain was without oxygen too long, and there is no coming back from that.”

However, on Wednesday, they shared an update on social media, expressing a glimmer of hope for a miracle. “He is getting an EEG to monitor any brain activity, and we haven’t heard much on what they’re seeing yet,” they said. “They’ve also started him on antibiotics and will do an MRI Friday or Saturday!”

Kallie, who has three children with Spencer, expressed gratitude for the support they’ve received and requested continued prayers. “We don’t know what the future holds, please don’t let prayers for my baby dim or his story become old news!” Kallie said. “Keep praying for him.”

Spencer, who began his rodeo career in high school, was ranked 35th in the world last year and has won several titles, including the 2014 World Championship. He recently won the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show and was co-champion at the Wilderness Circuit Finals Rodeo earlier this year.

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