Wildfire Forces Over 1,000 Evacuations and Burns 12,000 Acres Near Los Angeles

Wildfire Forces Over 1,000 Evacuations and Burns 12,000 Acres Near Los Angeles

A wildfire near Los Angeles has burned over 12,000 acres, forcing the evacuation of 1,200 people. Cal Fire reports the blaze is only 2% contained as firefighters battle high temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds.

California, Bollywood Fever:  A wildfire burning northwest of Los Angeles on Sunday has led to the evacuation of over 1,000 people from a popular outdoor recreation area and has burned more than 12,000 acres, according to authorities.

Approximately 400 firefighters, equipped with 70 firetrucks and two bulldozers, are combating the Post fire, which is currently just 2% contained, according to Cal Fire. The blaze is located south of Gorman, California, about 60 miles (96.5 km) northwest of Los Angeles.

The fire began on Saturday afternoon and is advancing southeast toward Pyramid Lake, Cal Fire reported. Since the outbreak, around 1,200 people have been evacuated from the Hungry Valley recreation area, known for its motorcycle and off-road vehicle trails. So far, two structures have been destroyed.

Cal Fire noted that containment efforts are being challenged by high temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds, conditions expected to persist through Sunday night.

Water-dropping aircraft are being deployed to slow the fire’s progress, while firefighters work on constructing perimeter fire lines to bring the blaze under control.

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