Demi Moore once again flaunted her beach body on social media, joining her daughters and granddaughter in the latest social media trend. The 61-year-old actress looked remarkably youthful as she appeared in a vacation video with her daughters Rumer, Scout, and Tallulah, as well as Rumer’s 1-year-old daughter, Louetta, set to Elvis Presley’s “Burning Love.”
The video began with the family, along with friends Patrick Hilgårt and Eric Buterbaugh, chatting indoors in casual outfits. Moore then ran off-screen in a white tank and matching pants, only to reappear at the beach in a leopard-print bikini. She gestured for the group to join her, and each family member emerged in swimsuits, showcasing a fun and inclusive atmosphere.
Tallulah swapped her tee and pants for a strapless striped bikini, while Scout traded her linen set for a cheeky blue patterned bikini. Buterbaugh, Pilaf, and Hilgårt followed suit, hitting the beach in their swimwear. Rumer, after shedding her loose white dress, sported a neon green Hunza G bikini ($130) before returning to fetch Louetta, who was crawling on the floor.
Fans praised the video, particularly Moore’s fit physique, with one commenting, “I want Demi’s flat stomach when I’m 61. Jealous 😍🙌🏻.” Another appreciated the body positivity, writing, “Loving all the body positivity here. Everyone is beautiful and not afraid to show their bodies.”
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