Second Death from Mpox Confirmed in South Africa This Week

Second Death from Mpox Confirmed in South Africa This Week

South Africa reports a second death from mpox within 24 hours of the first. The latest victim, a 38-year-old man, succumbed to the virus shortly after testing positive.

Johannesburg (Bollywood Fever): A second person has died in South Africa this week from the viral infection mpox, the health ministry announced on Thursday, just a day after reporting the first death.

The latest victim was a 38-year-old man who was admitted to a hospital in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province with extensive lesions, headache, fatigue, oral ulcers, muscle pain, and a sore throat. He tested positive for mpox on Wednesday.

“The patient was unfortunately demised in KZN the same day his test results came back positive,” said Foster Mohale, spokesperson for the national health department.

The total number of laboratory-confirmed mpox cases in South Africa now stands at six, with two fatalities since the first case was recorded five weeks ago.

Mpox spreads through close physical contact. Most cases are mild, but the infection can be fatal.

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