Hospitalization of Jamie Dornan Due to Heart Attack Symptoms Triggered by Toxic Caterpillar Exposure

Hospitalization of Jamie Dornan Due to Heart Attack Symptoms Triggered by Toxic Caterpillar Exposure


Hospitalization of Jamie Dornan Due to Heart Attack Symptoms Triggered by Toxic Caterpillar Exposure

Jamie Dornan’s Hospitalization Linked to Poisonous Caterpillars During Portugal Golf Trip

Broadcaster Gordon Smart, a close friend of the 41-year-old actor, revealed details of a harrowing golf trip in March 2023 on an episode of BBC’s The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected. Smart recounted experiencing alarming symptoms, leading to a hospital visit, after encountering toxic caterpillars in Portugal.

Hospitalization of Jamie Dornan Due to Heart Attack Symptoms Triggered by Toxic Caterpillar Exposure

“I started to feel tingling in my left hand, then tingling in my left arm. I’ve been a son of a [General Practitioner doctor], I thought, this is normally the sign of a heart attack,” he shared. Rushed to the hospital due to his elevated heart rate, Smart collapsed and later learned that another companion had also been admitted.

While Smart was discharged after questioning about his prior consumption of caffeine and alcohol, Jamie Dornan remained in the hospital. Dornan disclosed to Smart, “About 20 minutes after you left, my left arm went numb, my left leg went numb, my right leg went numb, and I found myself in the back of an ambulance.”

Upon recovery, the duo discovered they had encountered “hairy processionary caterpillars” while playing golf. These toxic insects, common in southern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, were known for causing harm to dogs and triggering heart attacks in men in their 40s.

Reflecting on the incident, Smart emphasized how fortunate they were to come out alive, describing it as a “scary time.” Despite Dornan not commenting on the incident publicly, social media posts from the trip show him smiling with friends and enjoying various activities, including golfing and a beach sunset in Portugal.

Source: US Magazine

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