China Issues Alerts for Extreme Heat and Severe Flooding Across Multiple Regions


China’s National Meteorological Centre issues alerts for extreme heat in several regions and severe flood warnings in southern provinces. Authorities release water from reservoirs as heavy rains continue.

China, Bollywood Fever:  China‘s National Meteorological Centre issued an alert on Sunday for high temperatures as multiple regions endure sweltering heat, while several southern provinces have severe flood warnings due to heavy rains.

The centre noted that the intensity of high temperatures is expected to decrease in northern China and areas between the Yellow River and the Huaihe River. However, maximum temperatures of 37-39 degrees Celsius (99-102 degrees Fahrenheit) are forecasted for parts of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Henan on Sunday.

In southeastern Fujian province, heavy rains have persisted for seven days and are expected to continue, with water levels in some rivers surpassing warning levels. China’s state television CCTV reported that authorities have released water from several reservoirs to manage the flooding.

In the Guangxi region, local river water levels have “skyrocketed,” and a student was killed in the floods in the southern city of Guilin, according to CCTV reports.

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